Terraform Azure

Building Private Azure Infrastructure with Terraform: A Step-by-Step Guide


Rahul Prajapati
July 8, 2024

Building a Private Infrastructure on Azure with Terraform

In this blog, I'll guide you through the process of creating a secure, private infrastructure on Azure using Terraform. We will utilize custom modules to deploy various Azure services, ensuring that all components are privately accessible. This setup includes a private AKS cluster, ACR, private endpoints, and more. By the end, you'll have a robust and secure infrastructure ready for your applications.


Before you begin, make sure you have the following installed:

Repository Structure

We have structured the repository using custom Terraform modules for each Azure service. This modular approach makes the infrastructure scalable and easier to manage. Clone the repository to get started:

git clone https://github.com/prometheantechws/Terraform-Azure-Infra.git
cd Terraform-Azure-Infra

Updating Configuration Files

Before running Terraform, you need to update the main.tf and terraform.tfvars files with your specific configurations.

  1. main.tf: This is where we define the main structure of our infrastructure.

  2. terraform.tfvars: This file contains variable definitions that Terraform will use during execution.

Make sure to change the values as per your requirements.

Custom Terraform Modules

Our infrastructure is built using the following custom modules:

  1. Resource Group (RG)
  2. Virtual Network (VNet)
  3. VNet Peering
  4. Private AKS Cluster
  5. Azure Container Registry (ACR)
  6. Private Endpoints
  7. Private DNS Zone
  8. Key Vault
  9. Virtual Machines (Linux and Windows)
  10. Storage Account

Each module is defined in the modules directory. Let's walk through the setup of each module.

Setting Up the Resource Group (RG)

The Resource Group is the container for all the resources in our Azure deployment.

module "RG" {
source = "../../modules/RG"
resource_group_name = var.resource_group_name
location = var.location
# tags = var.RG_tags

Setting Up the Virtual Network (VNet)

The VNet will host our subnets for different services.

module "Vnet" {
source = "../../modules/Vnet"
resource_group_name = module.RG.RG_name
location = var.location
depends_on = [module.RG]
vnets = var.virtual_networks

VNet Peering

To allow communication between VNets.

module "vnet_peering" {
source = "../../modules/Vnet-peering"
depends_on = [module.Vnet]
peerings = {
peering1 = {
name = var.peering_name
resource_group_name = module.RG.RG_name
vnet1_name = module.Vnet.vnet_names["vnet1"]
vnet2_id = module.Vnet.vnet_ids["vnet2"]
vnet2_name = module.Vnet.vnet_names["vnet2"]
vnet1_id = module.Vnet.vnet_ids["vnet1"]
allow_forwarded_traffic = true
allow_gateway_transit = false
use_remote_gateways = false
allow_virtual_network_access = true

Private AKS Cluster

A private AKS cluster for running your Kubernetes workloads.

module "AKS" {
source = "../../modules/AKS-Private-Cluster"
depends_on = [
aks_cluster_name = var.aks_cluster_name
resource_group_name = module.RG.RG_name
location = var.location
dns_prefix = var.dns_prefix
kubernetes_version = var.kubernetes_version
default_node_pool_name = var.default_node_pool_name
node_count = var.node_count
vm_size = var.vm_size
aks_vnet_subnet_id = data.azurerm_subnet.aks_subnet.id
default_node_pool_auto_scaling = var.default_node_pool_auto_scaling
default_node_pool_max_count = var.default_node_pool_max_count
default_node_pool_min_count = var.default_node_pool_min_count
default_node_pool_zones = var.default_node_pool_zones
identity_type = var.identity_type
sku_tier = var.sku_tier
network_plugin = var.network_plugin
network_policy = var.network_policy
load_balancer_sku = var.load_balancer_sku
outbound_type = var.outbound_type
dns_service_ip = var.dns_service_ip
service_cidr = var.service_cidr
private_cluster_enabled = var.private_cluster_enabled
role_based_access_control_enabled = var.role_based_access_control_enabled
spoke_vnet_id = module.Vnet.vnet_ids["vnet2"]
spoke_subnet_id = module.Vnet.subnet_ids["vnet2"]["snet-aks-stage"]
acr_id = module.ACR.acr_id
kv_id = module.key_vault.kv_id
############################# HUB VNET LINK #############################
virtual_network_links = {
link1 = {
name = "vnetl-hub"
virtual_network_id = module.Vnet.vnet_ids["vnet1"]
registration_enabled = false
#############################Private DNS ZONE#############################
node_pools = {
userpool-1 = {
name = "npuserpool"
vm_size = "Standard_E2as_v5"
node_count = 1
max_pods = 30
mode = "User"
os_disk_size_gb = 100
os_type = "Linux"
custom_ca_trust_enabled = false
enable_auto_scaling = true
enable_host_encryption = false
enable_node_public_ip = false
fips_enabled = false
min_count = 1
max_count = 3
node_labels = {}
node_taints = []
vnet_subnet_id = data.azurerm_subnet.aks_subnet.id
zones = ["1", "2", "3"]

Azure Container Registry (ACR)

A private container registry for storing Docker images.

module "ACR" {
source = "../../modules/Azure-Container-Registries"
depends_on = [
acr_name = var.acr_name
resource_group_name = module.RG.RG_name
location = var.location
sku = var.sku
admin_enabled = var.admin_enabled

Private Endpoints

Private Endpoints for secure connections.

module "acr_private_endpoints" {
source = "../../modules/Azure-Private-Endpoints"
depends_on = [
resource_group_name = module.RG.RG_name
location = var.location
vnet_name = module.Vnet.vnet_names["vnet1"]
subnet_name = module.Vnet.subnet_names["vnet1"][1]
private_endpoint_name = var.acr_private_endpoint_name
private_service_connections = {
acr = {
name = "acr-link"
private_connection_resource_id = module.ACR.acr_id
subresource_names = ["registry"]
is_manual_connection = false
private_dns_zone_group_name = "private-dns-zone-group"
private_dns_zone_ids = [module.acr_private_dns_zone.dns_zone_id]

Private DNS Zone

For private DNS resolution.

module "acr_private_dns_zone" {
source = "../../modules/Private-DNS-Zone"
depends_on = [
dns_zone_name = var.acr_dns_zone_name
resource_group_name = module.RG.RG_name
virtual_network_links = {
link1 = {
name = "pl-hub-vnet-link"
virtual_network_id = module.Vnet.vnet_ids["vnet1"]
registration_enabled = false
link2 = {
name = "pl-spoke-vnet-link"
virtual_network_id = module.Vnet.vnet_ids["vnet2"]
registration_enabled = false

Key Vault

A Key Vault for secure storage of secrets.

module "key_vault" {
source = "../../modules/Key-Vaults"
depends_on = [
resource_group_name = module.RG.RG_name
location = var.location
key_vault_name = var.key_vault_name
sku_name = var.key_vault_location
soft_delete_retention_days = var.key_vault_soft_delete_retention_days
purge_protection_enabled = var.key_vault_purge_protection_enabled
key_vault_dependency = [module.AKS]
key_vault_id = module.key_vault.kv_id
tenant_id = module.key_vault.kv_tenanet_id
object_id = module.AKS.aks_client_id
key_permissions = ["Get"]
secret_permissions = ["Get"]
certificate_permissions = ["Get"]

Virtual Machines (Linux and Windows)

Deploying Linux and Windows VMs.

module "linux_vm" {
source = "../../modules/Linux-Virtual-Machines"
depends_on = [
create_public_ip = false
resource_group_name = module.RG.RG_name
location = var.location
vnet_name = module.Vnet.vnet_names["vnet1"]
subnet_name = module.Vnet.subnet_names["vnet1"][0]
vm_size = var.linux_vm_size
vm_admin_username = var.linux_vm_admin_username
vm_admin_password = var.linux_vm_admin_password
vm_name = var.linux_vm_name
vm_type = var.linux_vm_type # or "Windows"
subnet_id = module.Vnet.subnet_ids["vnet1"]["snet-shared-stage"]
module "windows_vm" {
source = "../../modules/Windows-Virtual-Machines"
resource_group_name = module.RG.RG_name
location = var.location
vnet_name = module.Vnet.vnet_names["vnet1"]
subnet_name = module.Vnet.subnet_names["vnet1"][0]
vm_size = var.windows_vm_size
vm_admin_username = var.windows_vm_admin_username
vm_admin_password = var.windows_vm_admin_password
vm_name = var.windows_vm_name
vm_type = var.windows_vm_type # or "Windows"
subnet_id = module.Vnet.subnet_ids["vnet1"]["snet-shared-stage"]

Storage Account

A storage account for data storage needs.

module "storage_account" {
source = "../../modules/Storage-Accounts"
depends_on = [
resource_group_name = module.RG.RG_name
location = var.location
storage_account_name = var.storage_account_name
account_tier = var.account_tier
account_replication_type = var.account_replication_type
public_network_access_enabled = var.public_network_access_enabled

Running Terraform

Once you have updated the configuration files with your details, run the following commands to deploy the infrastructure:

terraform init
terraform validate
terraform plan
terraform apply

Terraform will show you a plan of the resources it will create. Review the plan carefully and then apply it to create the resources.


In this blog, we set up a private infrastructure on Azure using Terraform and custom modules. This modular approach helps maintain clean and manageable code, making it easier to scale and manage the infrastructure.

Feel free to clone the repository and modify it as per your needs. Happy coding!

Contact Us

Thank you for reading our comprehensive guide on "Building Private Azure Infrastructure with Terraform" We hope you found it insightful and valuable. If you have any questions, need further assistance, or are looking for expert support in setting up and managing your Azure infrastructure, our team is here to help!

Reach out to us for Your Azure Infrastructure Needs:

🌐 Website: https://www.prometheanz.com

📧 Email: [email protected]

Happy Terraforming!

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